Qianhui Yu is an animation director, illustrator, creative visual designer living in London, who specialized in making character design and background design, also enthusiastic about making creative visual design practices. Graduated from Royal College of Art in 2020 with a MA in Animation, received Continuation Fund from Royal College of Art in 2019. She has painting and new media art educated background, achieved her BFA in Open Media Lab from China Academy of Art.
Her interest lies in candy-colour aesthetic, creatures and nature, surreal fantasy, future materials, minority issues or people, along with creative methods such as illustration, animation, photography, graphic design, filters. For the future practice, on one hand, she will continue to develop her current visual style and character design, and also has intentions to continue making work that deals with environmental issues.
Her works have been shown in film festivals and galleries around the world, recently she is going to show her animated short film ‘Wastopia’ in ‘Girls in Films’ and ‘ Nowness Asia’, selected Screening and Festival including Boil, Royal college of art, London(2019), The Elephant, Elephant, London(2019), Anilogue International Animation Festival, Budapest(2018), CutOut Fest International Animation and Digital Art Festival, Mexico(2018), Great Lakes International Shorts Festival,US(2019), Birmingham SciFi Con, Birmingham, (2018), ‘South Phenomena: Center Gateway One’ ShenZhen New Media Art Festival, ShenZhen(2016),10th Hangzhou Cultural and Creative Industry Exposition, Hangzhou(2016),’MEME CITY hacking realities’ media art festival, Hangzhou(2015)